Rose Bouquet Delivery

Surprise your loved ones with a heartfelt bouquet of roses without breaking the bank. Known for their graceful, symmetrical blooms and enchanting fragrances, roses epitomize elegance. Classic red roses symbolize passion, making them ideal for commemorating special occasions or expressing spontaneous love.

  • Rose delivery with Euroflorist

    Euroflorist offers an extensive collection of rose bouquets. You will find the red rose, the emblem of romantism, in a multitude of bouquets, sometimes round and dense, sometimes mixed with ivy or even mixed with white roses... You will also find bouquets of multicoloured roses in cheerful shades or pastel roses in soft and elegant shades. We have also created bouquets of roses in different shades of pink or made entirely of white roses and other flowers of the same colour to complete the whole. We have bouquets of roses that come directly from the grower and are delivered by courier, or handtied and shipped by a local florist. Order a bouquet of roses from the florist before 2:00 PM on workdays and before 12:00 PM on weekends to have them freshly delivered the same day. All our bouquets of roses are delivered fresh to your home, but you can of course continue to take good care of the roses with our rose care tips. This way you can enjoy your rose bouquet for an extra long time.

  • What does the colour of my roses mean?

    • Red roses: passionate love
    • White roses: shyness
    • Pink roses: love, friendship, femininity
    • Orange roses: desire
    • Dark pink roses: gratitude
    • Yellow roses: forgiveness after negative action
    • Lavender roses: love at first sight
    • Red and yellow roses combined: joy, happiness and excitement
  • Same day delivery of your roses

    Perfect for those last minute oversights or even if you're just off on a romantic getaway on the day and want to give some roses, we deliver your roses on the same day everywhere in Belgium. You can choose to add a gift such as Belgian chocolates or a nice bottle of wine to make the surprise complete!

  • Send roses for any occasion

    The rose is one of the most popular flowers and a must for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Stylish and elegant, this beautiful flower is known for its colours and its scent. She is also the flower with the most symbolic meaning. Each number of roses and/or colours have their specific meaning. If you don't know yet which bouquet best represents your love, take a look at the meanings of roses.